Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wangari Maathai, the Woman who Plants Millions of Trees

by Franck Prévot, ill. Aurélia Fronty
Wangari Maathai is this exceptional figure who, long before the "green" trend, was convinced that preserving the Earth would preserve man. In 1977, she launched a huge and symbolic operation: the reforestation of Africa by women. 30 million trees are already planted, and she was awarded the Nobel Peace Price in 2004. At 70 today, she remains an ardent fighter for women's rights in Africa and continues to claim for democracy, non-violence, free speech, emancipation, sometimes threatening her own life and freedom. A title in the series Great Figures.
48 pages, 26 x 26 cm, 8 years +
Rights sold: Korean, Portuguese (Brazil)